My sister and I were chatting the other day as we watched our kiddos play together. We were discussing how much her little 2 year old is talking now and she asked me what kind of funny things Violet was saying these days. I couldn't think of anything when she asked but Thursday Violet started a new saying that we find hilarious at our house.
We were at Target the other day as a family looking around and Violet comes running up with some balls that she found in the clearance section and excitedly told us, "Look guys, they're twenty bucks!" We laughed for several minutes there in the camping aisle as she continued to look at different things saying, "Look, twenty bucks!"
The best part is it doesn't end there. The next day I was out mowing the lawn and Vien said she came to him and asked, "Dad, can I have twenty bucks?" So funny! He told her that was a lot of money and that was the end of it but I am still cracking up. Aah, the joy of children and money.
So, what are you kids saying these days that have you rolling in your seat?